AL-NOOR Centre for Autism is a private day school based in Vereeniging, Arconpark.

Our custom built centre provides the optimal environment for a balanced, holistic education. We offer therapy services as well as a unique curriculum, developed within the centre. It is structured to improve our students learning experience and help them towards greater independence.

Our curriculum is aligned with CAPS and various TEACCH task activities. Our team includes various professionals, special educators, speech, language, physical and occupational therapists, assistants and of course the parents.

This team conducts an assessment over time, to determine each child’s specific needs. We prepare an individual education plan (IEP) for each student, which includes appropriate goals.

We cater for students from 3 – 14 years with a primary diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). We employ the latest techniques & methodologies to help our students.



3 – 14 year olds



Monday – Thursday: 08:00 – 13:30 

Friday: 08:00 – 12:00


We strive to be world class leaders, offering excellent and holistic educational techniques and features for children with Autism.

We provide a school environment which offers appropriate care, curricular & professional expertise and a feeling of being safe and included.


  • Ipad Lessons
  • Pottery Classes
  • Gymnastics
  • Speech Theraphy
  • One-on-one learning (Small classes 6-8 kids with a teacher & a assistant
  • Variety of intervention options
  • Adapted Academic Curriculum
  • Well equipped therapy rooms. including snoezelon and sensory integration rooms
  • Music & dance classes
  • Library with a wide variety of books
  • Soft play area
  • Well established outdoor area
  • Occupational therapy & Speech theraphy
  • Gemiini Language program
  • Baking classes
  • Sports ground

There is no cure for autism



We are continuously expanding our knowledge on Autism and the appropriate treatment thereof and encourage and assist  with Autism-specific research. We regularly attend government and private workshops pertinent to Autism and actively lobby for the right of PWA.

We try our best to equip families with the necessary information and skills needed to properly care for a child with Autism.


We provide parents with professional support and guidance. 


We encourage appropriate and early intervention


We support home-based educational programmes.


We regularly distribute most recent findings and information to the parents


We believe all Autistic children, given the right environment, are capable of excellence in all areas of their Academic and Personal lives.



Amazing facility, staff is extremely dedicated, overall a exceptional center.



“My son has learnt a tremendous amount of skills in only two months at Al-Noor center, he was mostly non verbal and extremely introverted, the staff has made my son blossom into a curious, adventurous young boy, he has learnt colors, counting, and a huge amount of social skills. The premises are always extremely well kept, the staff is absolutely hands on and fully dedicated to the the students. They form immediate individual bonds with the children. I would recommend AL-NOOR to any parent with a child diagnosed with ASD.”

Mrs C Goolam


AL-NOOR by far the best choice

“As a special need parent I appreciate the efforts on behalf of the centre to accommodate us and help us find a suitable sponsorship for our child. AL-NOOR by far the best choice we made for our son and the staff is incredible.”

Mrs Walts


We understand that you may be left with hundreds of questions when facing Autism, we would like to reassure you, there is hope and we are here to assist in any way we can.

Please read through our frequently asked questions, if the question you have is not in this list, please do not hesitate to contact us for more information – we are happy to help.

Email us on:

How do I enrol my child?

Contact us on 084 736 2187 or email us on al.noorcentreforautism@gmail.com to view our premises and discuss relevant questions and answers. We request that your child attend for a suitability test. 

Who can I speak to for more information on Autism?
  • Medical Professional / Specialist 
  • Any relevant organisation such as Autism South Africa
  • Autism early intervention centres
  • Private / Government Autism Schools
  • JHB Academic Hospitals 
  • Occupational Therapist
  • Speech Therapist 
  • Educational Physiologist
  • Neurodevelopmental Clinics
I think my child may be Autistic, how do I know?

Autism can be detected form 18 months of age and is defined by a certain set of behaviours and is a “spectrum condition” that affects people differently and to varying degrees.

Early detection helps a person receive the support and services they need, which can lead to an improved quality of life.

Signs to look for:

  • Repetition in language or movement – such as repeating the same word or sounds, hand flopping or any repeated movement.
  • Atypical non-verbal communication, including eye contact and giving few facial expressions.
  • Prefers solitary or parallel play rather than engaging in associative or cooperative play with other children.
  • Extremely distressed by changes including new foods.
  • Strong, persistent interest in a specific topic, part of a toy or item.
How will it benefit your child to be at Al-Noor Centre For Autism?

With the right education, your child can learn, grow & develop abilities that help him/her succeed in life. 

We have qualified staff that treats each child with the utmost care, and we have extra extracurriculars such as:

  • Pottery
  • Gymnastics
  • Baking
  • Music
  • Ipad Lessons

We focus on:

  • Special Education Services 
  • Trained Teachers & Staff
  • Small, Integrated Classrooms
  • Curriculum & Resources
  • Behavioral Challenges
  • Speech & Occupational Therapy

Students have access to highly qualified specialists & services. Autism affects every child in unique ways, which means each child with Autism has different educational needs.  We encourage you to consider your child & talk to other parents, your child’s doctor & service providers as you finalize your decision. 

What are the costs associated with your school?

Al-Noor Enrollment Fee: R4000-00 (Once-off)

Thereafter 12 equal payments of R 8 500pm which is inclusive of all the above extra circular and interventions

Contact us on 084 736 2187 for more information.


For more information, please contact us, or alternatively complete the contact form and we’ll get back to you!


+27 (0) 84 736  2187


By appointment only.

11 Arum Street, 1939 Vereeniging, Gauteng





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